Dr. iur. Ludwig Griebl

Ludwig Griebl studied law at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. After passing his university law finals (First State Examinations), he completed a legal traineeship at the Mainz regional court. This included placements in a number of law firms working in an international context in Darmstadt and Frankfurt am Main. In 2006 he also completed an additional legal course at the German University of Administrative Sciences (Deutsche Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften) in Speyer. After his Second State Examinations (the final exams to qualify as a lawyer in Germany) he went on to study for a PhD with the research cluster for ‘Social dependencies and networks’ (Gesellschaftliche Abhängigkeiten und soziale Netzwerke) based at Trier and Mainz universities, who employed him as a research assistant. He also practised as a lawyer in Wiesbaden during this period.

From 2009 when he completed his PhD to October 2011, Dr. Griebl worked as an adviser in the administrative division of the Federal Chancellery with the rank of senior civil servant. Since November 2011 he has been a member of the Department for Civil and Company Law, whilst also working as a practising lawyer with ght. Rechtsanwälte in Mainz.